Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Winter citrus recipes: Key Ingredient

The abundance of winter citrus right now is something wonderful to behold. Supermarket shelves are stocked with colorful orbs of oranges, grapefruit and clementines. Mostly I just peel and eat the fruit, but this week’s inspired collection of recipes from Elinor Klivans may prompt me to be a little more adventurous. Here are a few other suggestions from our Recipe Finder:

• Blood Orange and Grilled Grapefruit Salad: This colorful salad has cranberries thrown into the mix for some extra tartness.

Broiled Citrus (Michael Temchine for The Washington Post) • Broiled Citrus: Serve this beautiful composition of fruit for breakfast or dessert.

• Carrots With Onion-Orange Marmalade: You can make the two components of this side a day in advance.

• Citrus Fruits With Grand Marnier Sabayon and Citrus Sorbet: Getting enough Vitamin C won’t be a problem with this dessert.

• Orange Bitters: If life hands you oranges .?.?. make orange bitters.

• Orange Cake With Citrus Compote: Unexpected cake ingredients include cornmeal and olive oil.

• Salmon With Pink Peppercorn Citrus Sauce: Pomegranate seeds add a pop of color and flavor to this attractive main course.

What are your favorite uses for winter citrus? Share in the comments below.

View the original article here

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